Thursday, January 14, 2016

Maghe Sankranti

Maghe or Makar Sankranti is one of the most significant festivals celebrated by Nepalese. Sankranti refers to the first day of every month. This is the reason why the festival is called Maghe Sankranti. This festival is celebrated to mark the end of month Poush - a month in which all religious ceremonies are forbidden. Apparently, it signifies the beginning of the holy season.

According to Mahabharat, Bhisma, who had the power to control his own death had chosen to die on the same day. So , it is believed that those who die on this day achieve Mokshya i.e. they will be free from the suffering of life, death and rebirth.

On this day, people take a holy bath on holy rivers early in the morning which is known as ' Makar Snan'. Sankranti fairs are held on banks of holy rivers like  Trishuli and kali Gandaki. The Kankai river as well as Devghat are famous for holy bath and pilgrims from places as far as India come to take a holy dip in these rivers.
Pic: Holy Bath in Gaighat, Source:

The festival is referred to as Maghi in the Tharu community. This is one of their biggest festivals and lasts longer than in other communities. They have a huge feast starting from the end of Poush to 3rd of Magh. Newars on the other hand  refer this festival as Maghe Sangranti Ghyo Chaku Sanun On this day they massage their body and head with Sesame oil. 

Photo By: Amish Regmi

The festival is particularly special because of the varieties of food items that is prepared on this day. The main food item on this day is laddu made of teel (sesame seed fudge)  and bhuja (puffed rice),  sweet potatoes , yam and  chaku (molasys). These food are healthy and bring warmth to the body in the cold season.

Photo By: Bikalpa Gautam

Hope Maghe Sankranti not only brings a warm season this year but also warmth in the heart of all Nepalese.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Nepal- Coolest Place To Travel On Earth

'What do you have in your wish list for 2016?' The most common answer that we have heard for this question is 'Travelling to New Places' . With the year end, National Geographic Traveler has released its coolest destination list for 2016, with Nepal ranked as one of the top 16 coolest and must visit places on Earth.

  Khumbu, Nepal,  Photo By: Jack Brauer

Nepal, a small landlocked country, situated between two giants- India and China, is a land of Diversities. You will find the deepest gorge to the highest mountains here in Nepal. The friendly and welcoming nature of Nepalese people will definitely want to make you stay longer in this country.

Ama Bhujung, Nepal, Photo By: Dhilung Kirat

The devastating earthquake of April 2015 had deteriorated the tourism industry in this himalayan kingdom. But the beautiful place is yet again safe to visit and has made a comeback in International Tourism. 

 Source: National Geographic

Once in your lifetime, you would definitely want to see the snow clad mountains, take a ride in the wild forests, see the rare animal species, visit the temples/monasteries listed under world heritage, visit the lakes situated in the highest altitude , make a wild bungee jump, paraglide over the eye catching mountains, watch a cool waterfall and if you are determined enough, conquer the highest peak in the world- Mt. Everest. 

Mustang, Nepal, Photo By: Ravin Man Bajracharya

If you are an adventure lover and go gaga over naturally beautiful places, Nepal is a place you should definitely visit.  Pack your bags and start your new year by visiting this exotic place and the memories will be enough to keep you refreshed throughout the year.

Everest region, Nepal, Source:

Monday, November 16, 2015

Chhat Festival : Festival of God Sun

Chhath Parva is one of the important Hindu festivals specially celebrated by natives of Mithila region. This festival is dedicated to god Sun. The Sun is called Surya in Sanskrit and Chhath Parba is thanks giving to lord Surya for sustaining life on earth and to worship him to provide his continuous blessings to mankind.

Janakpur during Chatth Festival. Photo By: Sunit Shekhar

The Sun, source power of nature, considered the god of energy and lord of the life-force, is worshiped in Chhath to promote well-being, prosperity and progress. Hindu people believe sun helps to cure many illness and diseases. Sun is considered as source of healing too. Sun is also considered as token of stability and prosperity. Therefore, people worship sun to ensure the longevity and prosperity of family members, friends and beloved ones.

Rani Pokhari during Chatth Festival. Photo By: Sajan Maharjan

The rituals of the festival are rigorous and are observed over a period of four days. They include holy bathing, fasting and abstaining from drinking water (Vratta), standing in water for long periods of time, and offering prashad and arghya to the setting and rising sun.

Rani Pokhari during Chatth Festival. Photo By: Sajan Maharjan

Chhath Matra (छठ मन्त्र)
एष ब्रम्हा च विष्णुष्च शिव: स्कन्द: प्रजापती: ।
महेन्द्रोधनद: कालो यम: सोमो ह्यपाम्पति: ।।
एनमापत्सु क्रिच्छेषु कन्तारेषु भयेषु च ।
किर्तयन पुरुष्: कष्चिन्नवसिदती राघव ।।।
आदित्य्म सर्बकर्तंरं कलाद्वदाद्शम्युतमं ।
पद्महस्त्द्वयं वन्दे सर्वलोकैकभस्करमं ।।

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Govardhan Puja | Mha Puja : 4th day of Tihar

The fourth day of Tihar is Goru Puja, Govardhan Puja, Mha Puja and Nepal Sambat. Govardhan Puja is celebrated as the day Krishna defeated Indra by lifting the Govardhan hill.

Nepal is mostly an agricultural country so oxen are considered important animals as they help in ploughing the fields. That is why on this day they are worshiped with tika, garland and offered nice food. Also this day small hillocks made out of cow dung is worshiped.

It is believed that once there was a drought in a village in Vridavan. The villagers were very worried and they wanted to perform a big Puja in honour of Lord Indra, the God of rain. But Lord Krishna convinced them that, they should not pray to Lord Indra since it was the Mount Govardhan that brought the rain and not Lord Indra. This made Lord Indra very angry and in his wrath he sent forth a big thunderstorm to flood the village. Lord Krishan lifted the Mount Govardhan as an umbrella above the village to protect the villagers and their cattle from the rain and flood.

Mha Puja
In newari language (Newa), “Mha” means body. On this day the Newa people worship their inner self in the evening by worshipping themselves. They believe that the soul never dies and our body is only a vehicle and so we need to understand and respect our body as it is the chosen vehicle for this incarnation. This Puja is believed to bring prosperity and physical well-being.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Laxmi Puja : 3rd day of Tihar

The third day of Tihar is “Laxmi Puja” where reverence is shown to the Goddess Laxmi by placing small oil lamps or candles inside and outside their homes. They pray for prosperity and well-being for their families and businesses.

According to legend, Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and Vishnu's wife, visits her devotees and bestows gifts and blessings upon each of them. To welcome the Goddess, devotees clean their houses, decorate them with finery and lights, and prepare sweet treats and delicacies as offerings. Devotees believe the happier the Goddess Laxmi is with the visit, the more she blesses the family with health and wealth.

According to Hindu Holy epics, goddess Laxmi is the daughter of rishi Bhrigu. When gods were sent to exile by the demons she took refuge in the ocean of milk. She was found during “Samundra Manthan”. Goddess Laxmi is believed to be the goddess of good fortune, wealth, beauty, and light.  It is said the blessing of Laxmi is always with those who do hard work.

Source: Wikipedia

On Laxmi Puja in Nepal, people buy gold and silver, precious gemstones, new utensils of copper, brass and bronze as a sign of good luck, prosperity, money and wealth. These are then used to Laxmi at night. Nepalese people perform this worship at a place cleansed with holy water, cow dung and red mud; they light the whole house with candles and lamps. From Laxmi Puja, Deusi and Bhailo is played by gathering with friends.

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