Sunday, August 2, 2015

Project MARU SATAL (Kasthamandap)

Maru Satal (Kasthamandap) is a three-storey pagoda-style pavilion (rest house) situated in the Hunuman Dhoka Durbar Square in heart of Kathmandu city and is believed to be built out of a single tree. The Kathmandu city is named after this pavilion. Kasthamandap means ‘wooden pavilion’. It was built in the 12th century and renovated by Laxmi Narsingha Malla in the 17th century to the present form until the earthquake of 25 April, 2015. It is the oldest and largest standing structure and an excellent example of newar architecture of the valley. If we do not restore Kasthamandap, we will lose a part of our heritage and a part of our identity forever.

Northeast corner of Maru Satah

Surya Shrestha adding color to Maru Satah (Kasthamandap)

Heera and Saroj on the finishing touches

View of Veranda of Maru Satah

Final stage of Maru Satah (Kasthamandap) construction

Veranda on the middle floor of Maru Satah

The main entrance to Maru Satah Kasthamandap

Final touches

Interior view of Maru Satah (Kasthamandap)

Frontside view (East) of Maru Satah

Model of Maru Satah with Sanil Tuladhar


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